Did You Know?

2014 Calls for Service
2/25/2015 3:15:00 PMDid you know?
In calendar year 2014, the Loves Park Police Department handled 22,820 calls for service. This number is inclusive of things like domestic incidents, traffic stops, accidents, and many other types of calls. These are not all crime reports or arrests this is just the number of times the police are called for service. The 2013 number was 22,306 calls for service. This translates to a 2.30% increase in calls for service, for the Loves Park Police Department in 2014. The department operated most of the year at a staffing level of 33 officers. That would divide into 691 calls per officer, on average. The largest bulk of those calls are handled by the Patrol Division, which is made of up 4 patrol shifts. If you need assistance from an officer please look at the Contact Us information on this website.
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