Message from The Chief

Thank you for taking the time to visit our informative and interactive website. We hope to provide information that you may find beneficial. We also hope that the site will give you a snapshot of our department and some of the great things our officers do, on a regular basis. The department is very proud of our efforts and can’t wait to continue improving all aspects of the high quality service you rightfully deserve.
Please visit the website often as we will continually update the information found on it. You will also find areas in which you are able to interact with us. These areas include submitting crime tips, recognizing officers, and letting us know when our service didn’t meet your expectations.
I would like to personally say thank you for your continued support for our department and the officers who serve on it. I feel that it is imperative that any police department must have the support of its citizens, in order to be effective. We look forward to continuing to serve you, and meeting the high expectations you demand. If you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. You may call me at our office at (815) 654-5015, or by email at
Chief Mike McCammond
Chief Mike McCammond